Pond Aerators

Discover High-Performance Pond Aerator Pumps, Comprehensive Pond Aeration Systems, Windmill Pond Aerators, and Fountain Aerators for a Vibrant Aquatic Environment.

Benefits of Aerating Your Pond

Aeration will create a healthier ecosystem by accelerating the decomposition of organic material/muck, which acts like fertilizer for the weeds and algae in your pond. Aerating your pond will also make your fish grow faster and prevent fish kills resulting from low oxygen levels.

All ponds will naturally stratify/layer as a result of varying pond water temperatures. This layering prevents oxygen from making it down to the bottom of the pond. Over time organic matter such as leaves accumulate there and, since there is very little oxygen available, this material undergoes anaerobic decomposition, which is slow and produces foul odors. When the accumulation of organic matter is more rapid than the decomposition rate, muck begins to accumulate, creating a nutrient rich layer of fertilizer which feeds plants and algae.

Adding oxygen to the bottom of your pond creates a more rapid, aerobic decomposition environment. This reduces the amount of muck and nutrients in the bottom of your pond which slows the growth of weeds and algae, eliminates odors, and makes your pond cleaner and more attractive.